Buying an NFT

Here's a brief walkthrough video (buying a Generated NFT):

Click on the "Collections" tab while on the Discover Soonaverse page (

On this screen you'll be able to see all of the NFT collections. Choose the collection you'd like to buy an NFT from:

Depending on what type of collection it is, you'll either click the "Buy now" button on the generated NFT placeholder image, or the specific NFT if it's a classic NFT. In this example we'll be buying a generated NFT which means we'll click the "Buy now" button on the placeholder image and when we buy, we'll receive a randomly selected NFT from the collection:

A pop-up will appear and you'll need to check the box to agree to the Terms and Conditions, and then click the "Confirm and Lock" button:

You'll sign the MetaMask transaction as you always do and then you'll see a new pop-up. This pop-up will let you know how much IOTA or SMR you'll need to send and where to send it. For ease of use, you can click the "Copy" button next to the IOTA or Shimmer address:

The clock is ticking now! It'll only save your spot for a few minutes. Open up your IOTA or Shimmer wallet app (Firefly or TanglePay) and go to the send funds page:

Paste the IOTA or SMR address that you previously copied from the Soonaverse pop-up and type in the amount of IOTA or SMR it requested. After that, send your transaction:

In a few moments, you'll start to see the transaction history populate on your Soonaverse screen. After around 10 seconds you'll see that your transaction is complete! Now you can click on the "Show my NFT" button and see the newest edition to your digital artwork collection:

You'll be able to see all of the details about your new NFT:

This is a very important part: If you click the "View" button for the On-Chain Record, you'll be taken to the IOTA or Shimmer Tangle Explorer and see that your ownership of the NFT is immutably recognized on the Tangle!

Welcome to the NFT revolution on the Soonaverse!

Last updated